Month: September 2014

Tom Hudson

I had my first drawing session for a new painting this morning. The Photographer is 32″ x 48″ and like The Explainer  the subject is a single figure, although this time the figure is outdoors.

Tom Hudson

Winsor Newton has become my choice for mid-range oil paint, supplanting RGH. While not Old Holland, W & N’s quality is consistently high, and I prefer some of their colors over all competing brands, such as madder lake and cadmium scarlet. I like RGH’s cold-pressed, lead-based whites but their tubes are cheap and prone to break and leak. This is a serious problem for large-size tubes.

Finished painting: The Explainer

I finished The Explainer  this morning.  This woman was explaining a painting to her companions who listened to her with rapt attention.  I didn’t pay attention to what she said but she was in earnest. The Explainer is 30″ x 48.” According to my studio journal, this morning’s session was the twelfth, not counting the drawing…