Tom Hudson

Tom Hudson

I plan on visiting the Cleveland Museum of Art’s exhibition van Gogh Repetitions later today. It will be my third visit to see it. The show has a number of first rate van Gogh’s and the theme–the artist copying himself–is interesting. I will write more about it later.

In praise of cerulean blue

Cerulean blues is an extremely important color. Besides being a core blue (it should be on every palette), it forms complementary tones with most orange-brown colors, such as burnt sienna (another very useful color). Its usefulness is unfortunate because it’s so blasted expensive–one of the most expensive paints on the market. My oil paint brand reference…

In the studio 3/23/2014

Here is my usual weekly post about what’s cookin’.  The top painting is ‘Deb.’ The lower painting isn’t very far advanced but I think you can get a sense of what’s afoot. It’s called ‘Antique Shop.’ To paint this large piece, I had to prop the easel’s cross-box on my knee to keep it from…

Tom Hudson

Someone asked if I inadvertently omitted straight-from-the-tube black from my palette. The omission wasn’t inadvertent. I don’t use ivory black (or any other black) ‘as is.’ Ivory black is too cold to use as is, but not cold enough for a truly cold black, which is why I create the mixtures illustrated in the linked post. Ivory black + ultramarine blue for cool black, and ivory black + burnt umber for a neutral black. For warmth, I add more burnt umber or, more typically, use burnt umber + cobalt (or cerulean) blue.


Here is my general. all-purpose palette. It has a good assortment of every color group and the core neutrals I always mix. You can do just fine with fewer colors–three or even fewer from each group is certainly workable. When I was younger, I had a very limited palette because I had a very limited…

Studio mess

As this photograph demonstrates, I need more studio space. Not shown are the larger–5′ x 6′– paintings that are precariously stacked on one another.  My separate storage area is overflowing with even larger paintings, like Black Lake (72″ x 96″), and other large, primed canvases ready to be worked. We are planning to buy a property…