Category: Paintings

In the studio 3/23/2014

Here is my usual weekly post about what’s cookin’.  The top painting is ‘Deb.’ The lower painting isn’t very far advanced but I think you can get a sense of what’s afoot. It’s called ‘Antique Shop.’ To paint this large piece, I had to prop the easel’s cross-box on my knee to keep it from…

Return of an Old Friend

After a long and (for me) painful absence for conservation, Andrea del Sarto’s The Sacrifice of Isaac is once again on display at the Cleveland Museum of Art. del Sarto’s unfinished masterpiece from 1527 is on a massive wooden panel. The painting’s unfinished state opens a window into the artist’s studio, and shows us his working method. The…

In the studio 3/9/2014

Here is some recent work. Saturday was a light work day because of family functions. The top painting is titled “Explain,” and I think it’s far enough along now that you can get a sense of what it’s about. The lower painting–“Jane With Her Hand on Her Hip”–is of, well, Jane (It’s also about blue,…

In the studio 2/23/2014

The large (42″ x 68″), unfinished painting is titled Conversation. The smaller (36″ x 48″) painting, Whispers, was finished yesterday. Two paintings of people talking while outdoors? A coincidence (I think), although I have been surprised in the past on discovering groups of paintings that share the same unplanned theme. A few years ago I was surprised…

In the studio 2/2/2014

Here is a photo of some recent work. I have discussed the larger, The Call, in the series of posts I wrote about it, which I’ll update tomorrow. The smaller painting, Two Women Before a Window still has a ways to go. Today I closed the window. Originally the window in the painting was open…